
Installing CertMS on HyperV

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Installing CertMS on Hyper-V is a very simple process. If you have not contacted our Sales team to get you a demo version of CertMS please do that before continuing.

You should have received a ZIP file containing two files.

  1. CertMS VHD file
  2. PDF File for installation instructions

Open your Hyper-V Manager console and connect to the server where you would like to install CertMS.

On the right hand side choose New > Virtual Machine…

Choose the name for your CertMS appliance. We recommend using “CertMS” as the name to make it easier for find.

Because CertMS runs on a Linux Operating System you will want to choose Generation 1

Next Choose the amount of memory you would like to give CertMS. We recommend at least 4Gigs or 4096MB

Connect the new Virtual Machine to the network connection of your choice. This will be specific to your environment.

Since you have been provided the VHD for CertMS you will want to choose “Attach a virtual hard disk later”

Confirm all your information is correct and click Finish

Now lets update the processors. Right click on your newly created VM and choose “Settings…”

Lets go to “Processor” and change this to anything except 1. We recommend assigning 4 Virtual Processors to CertMS to give the best performance.

Next we want to move the provided CertMS VHD to the appropriate location. In windows explorer browse to the location of your newly created CertMS Virtual Machine.

Create a new folder and call it “Virtual Hard Disks”

Now copy the provided CertMS VHD into the Virtual Hard Disks folder.

Now that we have the VHD in the correct spot lets attach it to our Virtual Machine. Right click on your CertMS VM and choose Settings…

Click on the “IDE Controller 0” section, then click “Hard Drive” on the right and “Add”

Choose Browse

Browse to and select the CertMS.VHD file that you copied into the Virtual Hard Disks folder and click “Open”

Now click OK to accept the changes you have made.

You are now ready to start your new CertMS Appliance.

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Installing CertMS on HyperV

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